Posts tagged with "Ageing"

2022 · 10. March 2022
Greek island.
We tend to slow down as we get older, but is there a danger that many of us slow down too much? Here’s a story about a retired man I met on holidays last year; a story which captures, I hope, the importance of staying active and hungry as you get older.
2022 · 24. February 2022
Old people socialising.
Can you think yourself young? That was the title of a recent Guardian article exploring research into positive attitudes to ageing. A positive attitude, the author suggested, can lead to a longer and healthier life, while negative beliefs can be very detrimental indeed. Is there hard evidence for such a claim, or is this happy-clappy nonsense? My latest column examines the research and talks about the importance of maintaining a sense of purpose and confidence as you get older.
2017 · 16. November 2017
Linda Hamilton column on tips for positive ageing.
I had a short piece in last week's Southern Star where I outlined six tips for positive ageing. The piece is reproduced below. Stay connected The Grant Study, the world’s longest-running study into adult happiness, has followed hundreds of people over a 75-year period. It found you could predict people’s subsequent physical health not by looking at cholesterol levels, but by assessing how satisfied they were in their relationships. “The people who were the most satisfied in their...