Posts tagged with "April2024"

2024 · 18. April 2024
A bat and a ball together cost €1.10. The bat costs €1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Many people quickly jump to the conclusion that the answer is 10 cents, but it's not... My latest Southern Star column explores the psychological downsides of jumping to conclusions (and it gives the answer to the bat/ball puzzle, if you're stuck!).
04. April 2024
You're trying to stick to a healthy eating plan, feeling good about your progress. Then, you succumb to temptation, and eat a slice of cake. Suddenly, a nagging voice whispers, "Well, you've already blown it, so might as well enjoy the whole cake!" Can you relate? My latest Southern Star column looks at what psychologists have dubbed the what-the-hell effect.