Posts tagged with "October2023"

2023 · 19. October 2023
We’re generally quick to spot when someone behaves badly towards us, because our brains are wired to be alert to threats of all kinds. Unfortunately, we’re not quite as good at taking note of the little kindnesses of daily life. My latest column explores how it will help your mood and well-being if you train yourself to spot and savour these moments, which are more common than you may think.
2023 · 05. October 2023
Many of us find ourselves occasionally grappling with concerns about our health. Yet, for some, this unease goes beyond sporadic worry; it is a constant, exaggerated fear centred on health. My latest article looks at the obsessive and distressing nature of health anxiety, and talks about how the very things you do to ease your health anxiety - the rumination, the checking, the reassurance-seeking – are the very things keeping you stuck.