Posts tagged with "SocialAnxiety"

2024 · 12. December 2024
We all know what it's like to walk into a room, fumble a word in a meeting, or trip in front of a crowd – and feel like all eyes are on us. But are they? My latest column explores the so-called spotlight effect, and how we are more likely to assume others are judging us when we're feeling anxious.
2024 · 19. September 2024
Different people may have different problems, but they all generally behave in ways that bring about a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, Daniel sees himself as unlovable. He often cancels plans with friends and isolates himself at home. This behaviour reduces his opportunities for positive interactions, deepening his sense of loneliness and reinforcing his belief that no one truly cares about him. My latest column explores how to break out of this and other vicious cycles.
2023 · 28. December 2023
If you’re a socially anxious person, you might dread the idea of socialising, and cope with this anxiety by engaging in what CBT researchers call safety behaviours. Such behaviours - foe example, excessively rehearsing what you will say to a person, avoiding eye contact, wearing cool clothes to avoid blushing - are designed to manage anxiety-provoking situations. It's an understandable strategy, but safety behaviours are not a good idea. My latest column explains why.
2023 · 16. November 2023
Anxiety is a universal human experience, a natural response to stressors and challenges we all encounter in life. While it's a common emotion, it's often misunderstood and can manifest in a variety of ways. My latest Southern Star column explores some important things you should know about anxiety.
2022 · 16. December 2022
Anxiety man.
Treating anxiety can be reduced to one simple principle: ‘Anxiety is maintained by avoidance, and willing exposure is the active ingredient of recovery. That is essential; all the rest is commentary.’ My latest Southern Star column explores why tackling anxiety means tackling avoidance.
2022 · 08. September 2022
“She will think I’m stupid”. My latest column looks at mind-reading and takes a look at research which suggests we should be less shy of giving compliments to others.
2021 · 18. November 2021
Waiter cafe.
When was the last time you made conversation with a stranger? Does it seem awkward and not worth the bother? Would you be surprised to hear that routinely talking with strangers can make you happier? And yet, the research is clear on this – whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, striking up brief conversations with strangers is more enjoyable than you think and good for your well-being.
2021 · 21. October 2021
The best way of overcoming your fears is to confront them. Exposure therapy – exposure and response prevention or ERP, to use the proper name – is a proven psychological treatment for all forms of anxiety, but how exactly does it work?
2019 · 18. December 2019
Socially-anxious woman.
Office parties, getting together with extended family, meeting up with old friends and acquaintances – Christmas is a social time, but what if the thought of socialising fills you with anxiety and dread? My column in last week's Southern Star explored how to beat social anxiety, or "self-consciousness on steroids", as one expert calls it.
2019 · 04. July 2019
Socially-anxious man.
Kinsale CBT therapist Linda Hamilton explains why we should not allow our feelings to guide our actions and beliefs.

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