Posts tagged with "March2017"

2017 · 31. March 2017
West Cork readers may be interested in this week's Southern Star column, where I explore how CBT skills can help children to tackle their anxieties.
2017 · 24. March 2017
Linda Hamilton's Southern Star column on CBT and tolerating uncertainty.
Last week's 'Your Mental Health' column (pictured opposite) explored how learning to tolerate uncertainty is an essential skill that can help alleviate depression and anxiety. The piece is pasted below. Let’s say you’ve left a phone message for someone and you don’t hear back. What do you think is the most likely explanation? Some will assume the person didn’t deem them important enough to ring them back. Others might suggest the person didn’t get their message, or that they were too...
2017 · 16. March 2017
This week's 'Your Mental Health' column in The Southern Star explores how being able to tolerate uncertainty is one of the most important skills a person can practice in order to combat depression and anxiety.
2017 · 09. March 2017
Linda Hamilton's Southern Star column on CBT and self-esteem
Last week's Southern Star column on CBT for low self-esteem is pasted below. The column can also be read on the Star's website at My photo of the column (left) isn't the straightest; I was about to change it but decided to leave it be, given that the theme is about self-acceptance and being able to say, 'I'm not perfect, but I'm OK':) Let’s suppose that once upon a time, you were given a...
2017 · 03. March 2017
I'm delighted to have been asked to give a talk to the Kinsale Active Retired Association. The talk, titled 'Mental Health and Wellness', takes place in the Temperance Hall in Kinsale on Tuesday afternoon. Looking forward to it!
2017 · 03. March 2017
People routinely put up with negative self-talk, tuning into a voice that belittles, insults and ridicules their efforts. In this week's Southern Star, I examine the damaging effects arising from low self-esteem.